Comments from TX/Ok 208 District Convention
     Randy and Pam Cook were the two delegates from our club that attended this year's District Convention in Abilene, TX.  Here are a few observations which they brought back from the convention.
      1. There are 200,867 Kiwanis members worldwide in all Kiwanis districts.  We increased by 10,895 members.  The largest district is Taiwan.
2.  Texas/Oklahoma District is the second largest with 6,863 members. We had an increase of 163 members.  Division 2 had the largest increase, due to two new clubs that were formed.  Division 8 had an increase of 34 members.  All clubs with 5+ members were recognized.  Our club only had 4 new members.
3.  This is VERY IMPORTANT.  The three readings of next year's officers is to be done in May, orally at club meetings, and then voted on the day of the third reading by the club.  The li9st of next year's officers is to be put on the T-O website by June 1, probably only President, President-Elect, Secretary and Treasurer.  The Board members are handled internally within the club.  It was reported that as of 8/4/18, 80 clubs had not posted their officer list on the T.O. Website.
4.  There were only 350 or 360 delegates who attended the convention.  That is a significant drop, even though it was the 100th Anniversary of T-O.  
5.  The 2019 International Convention will be June 27-30 at Disney World in Orlando.  The 2019 T-O Convention will be August 1-3 in Denton, at a brand new Embassy Suite.  The room rate will be $124 and there is free parking.