Wasn't last week's program awesome?  Moe Johnson brought Dr. Michelle Hamilton from Texas State.  She gave an exciting  personal narrative as to her personal experiences, being the mother of an autistic child.  She led us through her own personal dark corridors of successes and failures with her son, and ways in which autism can affect every member of the family .  It was heart-rendering at times listening to her describe the difficult times she had with her child not speaking, and then after speaking, doing strange and mysterious actions, just because he wanted to.  One out lf 68 kids is living with some form of Autism.  It is a very complex disorder that effects the child's development, and one that is generally evaluated by or around age 3.  It is vastly more common to be discovered in boys versus girls, and there are a few types of Autism categorized on the spectrum varying from severe cases, to some kids that are incredibly high functioning.  Thank you Moe and Michelle for enlightening us further on this disabling disease.