This meeting was an internal club/business meeting due to a speaker cancellation. We took the opportunity to catch Chester Banks up on his Legion of Honor awards. Due to some misinformation on his actual years with Kiwanis which began with the Lubbock Kiwanis club in 1961, his 50, 55, and 60 years were overlooked for recognition. He received three certificates and a Legion of Honor pin for being a Past President as his highest officer position held. It is actually his 63rd year now so he will receive his 65th year honor in a couple of years. Way to go, Chester! What an amazing span of service.
Dr. Glen Rydl also received the Legion of Honor pin for 50 years with Past Lt. Governor. The pin was out of stock before the Installation banquet so he is now also caught up. Congratulations, Glen.
Members having birthdays this month are Felicia and Kristin. The celebration will be at next week's meeting on the 21st.
Rick gave a reminder about the Interclub meeting on Nov. 26th.
B. J's Tees is a good place to order apparel for Kiwanis members. Rick suggested looking at their catalog on your own. We may be able to put together a group order which might get a discount. Please email Rick if you are interested. Kristi mentioned that the Kiwanis International online store is having a big sale so check that out as well.
We are in the process of getting sponsor Pancake Day ads for the placemats. Kristin is the first contact and Willie is the second for any ads you obtain or any questions you have. It is important to have coordination on this.
Rick passed out several hard copies of committees and their current members and a proposed budget that was worked on at the last board meeting. He stressed the need for more members to sign up for certain committees and especially needs some members to step up as chairpersons for a couple of them. This was also emailed to everyone. It takes participation from all if at all possible to accomplish our fundraisers, take care of the camp and run the regular events. For instance, Kristin has done a great job finding speakers for the first few months but she will need other members to come up with ideas for the rest of the year. If you know of a possible speaker, let her know.
Rick also needs committees who spend funds to come up with budgetary needs. The Clay Shoot will not be done this year so we also need to be thinking of another fundraiser or we will be short on funds to accomplish our donation goals such as for the Library Summer program. A bingo night was proposed. Other suggestions are welcome.
Lon said there was great participation at the Veteran's Day Parade. Someone counted up to 15 kids in the bicycle brigade which was up from last year's. Lon, Rick, Luanne, Jesse, Willie, Chester, and Jennifer decorated the float and undecorated it afterwards. Cheryl came to help. Emily helped sign up kids for the bicycle raffle. Her husband and daughter also helped out. Susie and her husband helped keep the kids in the Bicycle brigade at a safe distance from the float during the parade. John and his sons plus family members of Willie and Jesse rode on the float.
Jesse made a video of "Trunk or Treat" which is now posted on the Kiwanis Facebook page. Be sure to check it out.
In case you missed it, Rick, Kristi and Emily did an interview on radio KXSM 104.1 FM, Nov. 13th at noon. I listened to the live broadcast. They all did a fantastic job of promoting our club with a special emphasis on how we are helping youth in the community.
The board met on Nov. 13th, the day before the Grin's meeting.
In brief:
Willie gave us copies of some of the reports that are now available through the Money Minder software being used for accounting. He compared the Treasurer's report with budget reports. This should provide more clarity on our monthly accounting and keep a better idea of budget expenditures and balances.
The 2024-2025 proposed Budget was gone over with some revisions needed.
Approval was made to donate $300 each to School Fuel and San Marcos Artists' Retention and Training Orchestra (SMART Orchestra.) Lon has developed a matrix for determining which organizations receive monetary donations vs. member participation support.
The current San Marcos Kiwanis highway road sign on 123 does not have reflective paint. The board approved spending funds to get a double-sided sign with reflective paint so the sign can be better seen at night.
Nov. 21st: History of Mermaids at Aquarena Springs.
Nov. 28th: Thanksgiving. No meeting.
Nov. 21st: Birthday celebration for members with Nov. birthdays.
Nov. 26th: Lake Highlands Interclub luncheon
Regular Reminders:
Don't forget to click "like" and "share" on Facebook and other social media to promote the Kiwanis Club. We need to keep getting the club's name out there to promote our community involvement and to add new members to help in our endeavors.
Be sure to check the Calendar posted on the San Marcos Kiwanis Club website to stay up-to-date on what is happening.
Humor and Musings:
“If our hopes of building a better and safer world are to become more than wishful thinking, we will need the engagement of volunteers more than ever.” — Kofi Annan
“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” – Elizabeth Andrew
“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” – Dr. Seuss
bring a guest to an upcoming meeting!