"ROB'S CORNER"...A Word from Our Region 10 Trustee
     A long range planning committee formed by our district spent two years in developing a plan to reorganize the management of the T/O District.  The charge to this group was to develop a program to reverse the declining membership trend and identify related initiatives.
     The results of their efforts was presented at our annual convention.  A vote was conducted and adopted by the attending representative of local clubs within the Texas Oklahoma District.
     The major element was to establish a Board consisting of ten members.  This board resulted in reducing the Governor's direct management staff.  Prior to this implementation his supervising staff consisted of a LT. Governors Board of 39 members in addition to a similar number of Chairs for functional areas within Kiwanis.
     The new management structure will relieve the Lt. Governors from their Annual Board duties.  This change is designed to change the role of Lt. Governors to that of more effective communication between the District and local clubs also will enable them to function as a consultant and mentor for those clubs in areas such as new club development, membership growth and provide individual assistance to clubs within his/her division.  Local Kiwanis Clubs will benefit from the newly established committees in each region.  The Lt. Governors will become a key member of committees established at the region level.  These committees are being another result of the new management plan.  They will consist of elected officers within their region and volunteers from the local clubs of that Region.
     After it's approval, the next step in implementing the Trustee Management System was to identify the individuals who would be selected as their inaugural Trustee.  This was to initiated at the 2015 Annual Conference.  Nominations were made by clubs from each region and a majority agreement required to select their Regional nominee.  Region 10 consists of Divisions 23 (Waco area); 24 (Austin area) and 38 (San Marcos area.  This region was later identified as the Hill Country Region.  Rob Martin of the San Marcos club was selected as the nominee to represent Region 10.  On the final day of the Conference, the nominations were confirmed as 2015-2016 Trustee for their individual Regions.
     More information on the progress of the new Trustee Management System in Texas will be forthcoming in future Club Newsletters.